Thursday, May 13, 2010

Please help!

For those of you who have taken my classes, you've heard me talk about how you can use the Extreme Method to bless others and to impact your community. I hope you have found it to be true. If you've not put this into practice yet, here is a local opportunity that I hope will speak to your hearts.

I received an email this morning from a friend of mine. She has a friend who is currently going through a period of hardship and it has rested heavily on my heart, so I was glad to receive the email this morning that I will share below:

"Hi Couponing Queens or those like me who may someday reach that designation,

I have a request. I'm trying to put together a basket of goods for a dear friend and her son. A year ago, she was literally abandoned and had all her resources i.e., financial and anything material (including clothes for her and her son) taken from her by her husband. I don't want to go into the details, but will say it has been an extremely difficult in every sense. She is currently living with her mother in a 600 sq. ft living space. Her mother is recovering from a very serious illness. This week has been particularly low for her. Despite her efforts in applying for over 350 jobs, she is severely underemployed with work 1 to 2 days a week which is challenging as for her shifts are 12 hours and she must pay childcare in order to work.

Would you or a friend like to help? I am gathering, funds or gift cards, clothing, food, cleaning supplies, toys, and other little treats for my dear friend and her son.

Her son who is 4 and still in preschool is a very big boy. He is a size 5 pants, size 6 top and size 13 shoe. His hands and head are big i.e., hats or gloves. If you have any second hand clothing or know someone who does and would like to pass it on, I know she would be forever grateful. She her self is a size 9/10 and wears more sporty kind of clothing. (What mother with young children doesn't?)

I will be going to see her on the long weekend and would like to have everything together by Saturday May 22.

Thank you in advance for you love and blessings."

Here is your chance to help, Extreme Shoppers! I'm challenging you to choose at least 5 items from your stockpile (yes, I'm talking to those of you with stockpiles of free cereal, lol) to donate. It doesn't have to be 5 items of course, even if it's one item, if all of us pitch in, we could really do a world of difference for this lady and her son. Let's bless them both and show them God's love and grace in action. I hope you will join me and pitch in. I appreciate it, and I know she will even more so.

I will be out in Surrey/Langley on May 18 - please email me at if you have things to give/donate, and I can meet you at the LD Langley at 6-6.30pm. I can also pick up items in New West on the 20th. If you'd rather drop items off, I am in PoCo, please email me for address drop off. PLEASE email me to let me know you are coming so I will expect you!!

I am praying for a most generous outpouring of love from Extreme Shoppers, so if you can't make any of these dates for pick up/drop offs, please email me to work out other mutually beneficial times. Seriously, as someone told me today, we all have too much NOT to share. Please help!

Thank you!

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